Shinza Bansho Wiki
Shinza Bansho Wiki
Tenma Tokoyo

Tenma Tokoyo is the reincarnation of both Rea Himuro and Isaak as well as a member of the Yatsukahagi. She is the acting commander when Tenma Yato isn't available. Contrary to her dignified appearance, she hates those in the western lands more than any other Tenma. While not a fighter, she keeps Yato alive, who in turn prevents the universe from being destroyed by Hajun.

Kajiri Kamui Kagura[]

She is the initial member of the core group confronted by the Eastern Expedition, specifically by Rindou Koga. Their short conversation was based on the nature of the Yatsukahagi, the impending invasion, and the difference between the old world and the current one (although Rindou couldn't fully grasp the full situation yet). In the end, Tokoyo and Rindou couldn't come to terms as their ends were (at the time) mutually exclusive, so they declare war on each other.

The "Isaak" half of her being resurfaces as the Eastern Expedition reaches Edo, synchronizing with the remnants of Gladsheimr. Despite holding down Soujirou, Shiori, and Habaki, the remnants are ultimately overcome by Rindou's Tenma Fukumetsu.

In the end, for the Yatsukahagi's plan to succeed, she sacrificed herself to restore Yato to full power.

Powers & Abilities[]


Sorcery of the old world that allows them to uses souls as power.

Remnants of Gladsheimr[]

Due to half of her being belonging to Isaak, it's possible for her to call upon and synchronize with the remnants of Gladsheimr - Gullinkambi Fünfte Weltall underneath Edo. She's able to combat intruders with hallucinations and shadow soldiers. This ability draws from the concept of Ewigkeit, using souls as fuel to power the remnants.


Mugen Shugo Jigoku[]

Tenma Tokoyo’s Taikyoku, which sacrifices herself and the souls of the Yatsukahagi members to restore Yato to full strength.

