Shinza Bansho Wiki

Tenma Morei is the reincarnation of both Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen and Kei Sakurai as well as a member of the Yatsukahagi.

Kajiri Kamui Kagura[]

During the Eastern Expedition, Morei will form a rivalry with a martial artist named Shiori, and they would later engage in their final battle which will end up with Kujou as the victor.

Powers & Abilities[]


Sorcery of the old world that allows them to uses souls as power.


Mugen Shounetsu[]

Tenma Morei's Taikyoku, which turns her into a being of living flame that can instantly vaporize anything in their vicinity and converts the world around her into a flaming hellscape. These flames can destroy virtually anything, down to souls, metaphysical concepts, and the fabric of space-time itself. When all else fails, Morei can sacrifice her own life to become a star powerful enough to threaten Shiori Kujou even after she achieved Taikyoku.


Tenma Morei with her weapons

Thrúd Walkure[]

Beatric'e Holy Relic refashioned into a Katana.


Kei's Holy Relic refashioned into a Katana.


Tenma Yato

Tenma Ootake Tenma Sukuna Tenma Numahime Tenma Akuro Tenma Morei Tenma Momiji Tenma Awaumi
