Shinza Bansho Wiki

Taikyoku in Kajiri Kamui Kagura

Taikyoku (太極 Taikyoku, meaning, Supreme Ultimate) refers to the ultimate law of the universe and existence[1], which is a fundamental concept of Throne and Shinza Banshou series in general.

Although called by many names and slightly difference intepretation, it is generally the same concept. Be it, Big Bang, The Creation of Heaven and Earth (天地開闢, Tenchi Kaibyaku) of Ahura Mazda, or Atziluth, The Emanation (流出, Ryūshutsu) of Omega Ewigkeit.[2]


Taikyoku is the ultimate law of the universe. If compared with the law of cutting for blades and the burning law for fire, Taikyoku surpasses them and all of the other natural laws.[3] Those who reach Taikyoku will become a God, an independent existence from their world. Transforming into that of a walking, living universe in themselves.[4]

Shape of Taikyoku is formed by Craving, refers to as "color". Those with colors emanating outward is called Hegemony, while those who paint themselves, uneffected by the existing color is called Transcendence.[5]

Two colors of Hegemony Taikyoku cannot co-exist, and thus will clash (except with some special case such as Rinne Tensei). The battle between Taikyokyu is a battle of Craving and reason. This also apply to battle of Transcendence God. The power of Taikyoku is determined by its density and compatibility. The weight of Craving (and quantity of Soul in Hegemony God's case) will determine the density of Taikyoku.

The heavy clash of two Hegemony would result in opening a Singularity, basically a tear in reality. The deepest point in Singularity is The Divine Throne, where the godhead emanate their law.

Taikyoku - Mukei[]

The formless Taikyoku used by Yakou Madara early on in Kajiri Kamui Kagura. Yakou who manage to gain access to Taikyoku of the Throne, has the ability to control all things and phenomenons in the universe. He sees the world in the shape of a Mandala that is incomprehensible to those who does not reach his level. However, with his unique case of reaching Taikyoku without having any particular craving, making his world transparent. He cannot do anything outside the law of the world, like an opposition to Distortion that distorted the nature.[VFB 1]

Taikyoku Values[]

Value of Taikyoku for each characters displays in their profile section of the Visual Novel. Should a god have a high difference in value than the other, the higher one will have their victory guaranteed..[VFB 2]

The ranking are as follows:[6]

Name Value
Hajun (w/Tumor)

Habaki Sakagami (Boosted by both Hajun and Tumor)

Tenma Yato 100 (showed as 70 in the VN)
Reinhard Heydrich (Against Mercurius)
Less than 90
Reinhard Heydrich
Nerose Satanael
Ren Fujii
Less than the above
The Remorseless Less than the above
Mitra Less than the above
Habaki Sakagami
Rindou Koga
Yakou Madara
65 (Post-Hajun)
Soujirou Mibu
Shiori Kujou
Ryuusui Mikado
60 (Post-Hajun)
Tenma Ootake 50
Tenma Sukuna 47
Tenma Tokoyo 44
Tenma Akuro
Tenma Morei
Tenma Numahime 36
Tenma Momiji 33
Yakou Madara (Chuden) 10
Yakou Madara (Shoden) 2


  1. 太極とは何ぞやと言われれば、端的に法則と言うしかない。
  2. Glossary translation by Trexalfa
  3. Screenshot from Kajiri Kamui Kagura
  4. 重要なのは規模、密度。その法を構成する単位が宇宙という規格であり、ゆえにそれのみをもって独立した世界となり得るものを太極と定義する。
  5. 己が法則で森羅万象を制圧する太極と、己が法則のみ森羅万象から外れるという太極である。
  6. Screenshot from Kajiri Kamui Kagura Visual Fanbook
  1. Kajiri Kamui Kagura Visual Fanbook
  2. Kajiri Kamui Kagura Visual Fanbook