Shinza Bansho Wiki

General Information[]

Scharlachrot is Kei Sakurai's Holy Relic in Dies Irae.

The Relic is a double-edged sword forged from the god-steel Hihiirokane (the same material that made up Wewelsburg Longinus ), a special type of metal that only the Sakurai family can smelt and shape. It gave off a dazzling shine and shall never rust. It can generates and control flame.

The enscription on the sword is 爾天神之命以布斗麻邇爾ト相而詔之, which is the name of her Briah.


The sword is capable of generating and manipulating extremly high-tempature flames. The flames are hot enough to instantly vaporize water.

When using her Briah, Kei is capable of adding flames to the edge of the blade, extending its reach by several meters as well as changing its form akin to traditional Katana.

Katana relic

Katana Scharlachrot
