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The Mercury (水銀, Suigin?), better known as King of Mercury: Mercurius (水銀の王メルクリウス, Suigin no OuMerukuriusu?) or Karl Ernst Krafft (カール・エルンスト・クラフト, Kāru Erunsuto Kurafuto?) is the Fourth Heaven and an overarching antagonist in Dies Irae.


Mercurius is a androgynous man with long dark blue hair. He is noted to greatly resemble both Ren and Lotus in an uncanny way. His sensories all share the similiar looks as him, albeit with a minor differences. He often appears wearing long black tattered robes, though has been seen in various attires throughout the series.


Mercurius strives to achieve the unknown, not because he wants to learn more, but because he is hopelessly bored. He naturally possesses a relaxed, calm and manipulative demeanor, something that infuriates virtually everyone that he come into contact with. He is also philosophical and poetic and has a tendency of speaking for long periods of time.


Mercurius is deeply in love with Marie, falling for her at first sight. The events of Dies Irae were all set up by him so that she could kill him and take the throne.

Longinus Dreizehn Orden[]

Aside from Reinhard, every member of the LDO has varying levels of hate towards Mercurius and were eager to take their frustrations out on Ren.

His Apoptosis and sworn friend. Mercurius is fond of Reinhard, the two often exchanged compliments and get along very well.

Over a century before the formation of the LDO, Mercurius saved Rusalka from imprisonment and taught her sorcery.

Mercurius's Holy Relic, often thought of as his son.

In reality, Mercurius does not especially care about Ren, seeing him mainly as a tool to fuel Marie's growth.


Before Dies Irae[]

Mercurius originates from the world of Zoar.


Mercurius Is described by Kouha as a bug in Nerose's system since he comes from another universe outside the throne's dominion.

While details are unknown, he was decribed by Kouha as a "bug" in The Morning Star system, becoming the Mercurial Snake. He was able to reach the Throne by taking advantage of the time paradox that Nerose Satanael created at the end of Paradise Lost, using Sequere Naturam to atomize the Hegemony God in a single hit.

After attaining the throne, Mercurius's law originated the world of Omega Ewigkeit, in which time looped endlessly. It is unknown what his original desire was, though it is implied that he wished to know all things. His law also allowed the concept of "possibility" to enter the throne, creating the multiverse.

He eventually created the Die Ewigkeit style of sorcery along with several others.

In 1775, he, through his sensory Alessandro di Cagliostro, ventured to a remote German village in the late 18th century and freed an imprisoned Anna Maria Schwagerin from captivity, slaughtering her guards. He then taught her several styles of sorcery before disappearing.

Growing bored with the eternal recurrence, Mercurius began searching for a way to die. It was during that search, that he, as Cagliostro, found himself at Marie's Twilight Beach. Instantly falling in love with Marie, he decided that she was the person most fit to kill him and take the throne. However, as she was a Transcendence god, not a hegemony god, she could not take the Throne for herself, so Mercurius began crafting a plan to both kill himself and change Marie's desire to transform her into a Hegemony god.

Die Morgendammerung[]

Through another sensory, Karl Ernst Krafft, Mercurius successfully predicted an assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler as well as several other high ranking officials, leading him to be has taken into the Gestapo Headquarters for questioning. This act gained him the attention of Reinhard Heydrich, his apoptosis. The two would become friends and Mercurius eventually convinced Reinhard to fulfill his desire of spreading his "love" through out the entire world. Mercurius then went on in assisting Reinhard and Heinrich Himmler in the formation of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden, though he and Reinhard would eventually go on to highjack the organization from Himmler's control.

During the battle to determine the final member of the Obsidian Round Table, Mercurius took an interest in two of the participants, Lotus Reichhart and Michael Wittman. When Lotus was defeated by Michael, Mercurius divided his soul, fusing half of it into Michael, transforming him into Machina, and combining the other half with his own blood to create his Holy Relic, Zarathustra Übermensch, which he left in the hands of ODESSA.

Interview with Kaziklu Bey[]

Mercurius met with Wilhelm Ehrenburg and Claudia Jerusalem at the Paderborner Dom, a Roman Catholic Cathadrel in Paderborn, Germany. There, he informed Wilhelm about the summons to Wewelsburg Castle.

He later left the LDO and disappeared some point before the start of Dies Irae, but told Reinhard they'd meet again.

Dies Irae[]

Mercurius does not make any real direct appearance, though sometimes he briefly communicates to Ren in his mind, commenting on things.

Kasumi Route[]

Mercurius remains entirely absent through out the entire route. Only appeared in the epilogue, commenting on Ren's temporal victory.

Kei Route[]

Mercurius appears near the end of the route where he arrives to Gladsheimr, meeting back with Reinhard for the first time in years. He reveals himself to Kasumi and Shirou while they were in the underground of the church before taking them to Gladsheimr. Mercurius further elaborates on his identity to Shirou Yusa before granting him Rusalka's Holy Relic. After that, he interrupts the fight against Reinhard, shocking Ren and Kei, before informing Reinhard that the Transmutation of Gold may need to be cancelled, in which he enters a brief disagreement with him. Surviving an attack from Reinhard's Longinuslanze Testament, he shatters the Swastika of Suwahara City then participates in the last fight alongside Reinhard against Ren, Kei and Shirou, but no one dies. It's revealed he also made a deal with Kasumi.

Marie Route[]

Mercurius's Interuption

Mercurius's interruption.

As the Transmutation of Gold progresses in Suwahara City, Mercurius establishes contact with Reinhard and speaks to him before Reinhard fights Ren Fuji.

During Ren and Reinhard's final battle, they manage to create a singluarity and open a path to Marie's twilight beach. There, Mercurius interrupts their fight, explaining his intentions to them before allowing them to proceed.

Marie rejects Mercurius

Marie rejects Mercurius.

As their fight concludes, Mercurius asks Marie, now a Hegemony God, to embrace him and in doing so take his life, but Marie refuses. As there is still the possibility, however slim, that Marie will embrace and kill him some day, Mercurius's law doesn't activate and he, along with Ren and Reinhard act as Marie's guardians as she takes the throne and emanates her world.

Rea Route[]

Gold merc

Gold vs Mercury.

During Ren's initial fight with the Three Commanders, Mercurius allows Ren to access the full strength of the mercury blood in his veins, allowing Ren to access Eine Faust Finale.

At the end of the route, Mercurius properly fulfills his role as an antagonist. During Ren and Reinhard's final battle, the two manage to create a singularity and reach the throne, where Mercurius awaits.

The Final Battle

The Final Battle

In the first ending, Mercurius duels with his Apoptosis. Reinhard's powerful legion clashes with the soul of the entire universe of Mercurius, ultimately result in a tide. Mercurius who was about to reset the universe again was confronted by Marie, who finally give him the death he desires. During the final goodbye, Mercurius and Reinhard have a ball with Marie and Rea, contemplating the possibility of Ren joining the fight.

In the Three Colors' battle, all three proceed to battle over the throne. The fight is so intense, that the throne itself is destroyed by Mercurius's Disce Libens.

Mercurius dies

Mercurius dies.

At the end of the battle, Mercurius declares Ren to be the victor and dies in Marie's arms, as he has desired for so long. However, even after his death, Mercurius's law forces the world to repeat on last time, restoring the throne, allowing Marie to take it.

Before Kajiri Kamui Kagura[]

8000 years before the start of the game, Mercurius, along with Reinhard and Marie, is slaughtered by Hajun.

Alternate Timeline[]

In one possible timeline, Mercurius, Reinhard, Ren, and Marie all manage to defeat Hajun, but with the later 3 dying during the battle. As the only Hegemony God remaining, Mecurius then takes up the throne again, causing his law to reverse time back to before the events of Dies Irae. He then takes steps to prevent Hajun from coming into existence.

Dies Irae Pantheon[]

Excerpt from Dies Irae Pantheon site translated The fourth God who overthrew Myoujou and took the Throne, his Law locked every living being within an endlessly looping world."

"Bringing the concept of life after death into the world, extending his grasp over multiple time-axis and parallel worlds,he could undoubtedly be called a renovator of the Throne universe."

"This God boasts the longest reign."

Mercurius, along with the other Hegemony Gods are ressurected by Naraka.

Powers and Abilities[]

Regarded as a god of magic and astrology, Mercurius is one of the stronger Hegemony God in the series, surpassing Nerose Satanael and Marie in terms of power. In the interview with Masada, the Taikyoku value of Mercurius is around 90. He also stated to be able to erase Hajun, if the Sixth Heaven was never born with the Tumor. Due to the nature of his law, he is one who expand the dominion of the Throne from a single timeline to an infinite amount.


Mercurius has invented and mastered various styles of sorcery.

Die Ewigkeit[]

Mercurius is the creator of the Die Ewigkeit system of magic.


As the creator of Die Ewigkeit, Mercurius has the capacity to wield any holy relic.

Zarathustra Ubermensch[]

Mercurius's Holy Relic and the true Identity of Ren Fuji.


Vive Memor Mortis - Acta Est Fabula[]

Mercurius's Law which resulted in the world of Eternal Recurrence. When in effect, when a soul dies, it automatically returns to the moment of its birth, thereby trapping the world in an infinitly repeating loop. This law is able to activate itself even after Mercurius's death, rewinding even the throne, which exists outside of time. Upon meeting and falling in love with Marie, a loophole formed in his law. The only way to permanently deactivate it is to fulfill Mercurius's wish, to die while experiencing Marie's embrace. This Law was able to totally erase any possibility of Hajun ever coming to life under certain circumnstances, creating also the concept of afterlife.

Meteor Shower[]

Mercurius converts hundreds of millions of souls into meteors and launches all of them at his target, with each and every one of them having the power to match the entirety of Reinhard's Legion.

Sequere Naturam[]

(You Are to Follow Nature) Mercurius first gathers thousands upon thousands of stars into one point before condensing into a single blast. This attack is powerful enough to atomize Nerose Satanael, a fellow Hegemony God, with a single hit.

Disce Libens[]

Disce Libens

Disce Libens

(Learn Eagerly) Mercurius takes all stars in existence and condenses them into a single black hole that erases the multiverse and even the throne.

Dura Lex Sed Lex[]

(The Law is Harsh But It Is Law) Mercurius creates a Great Attractor which draws everything towards it into a singularity, causing an abnormal gravity who crushes everything.

Aurea Mediocritas[]

(The Golden Mean) Mercurius aligns the stars into a Grand Cross, causing an astrological energy surge that can incinerate a Hegemony God from inside-out.

Omnia Fert Aetas[]

(Time Robs Us of All) Mercurius rearrange a galaxy, causing the clash between parallel universes. The result is a world deterrent force on a multiversal scale, it is effective against paradoxical existence such as an apoptosis.


  • Mercurius has held the throne longer than any other god.
    • Because Mercurius's law caused the world to enter a continuous loop, it's impossible to tell how long he sat on the throne or how old he actually is.
  • Mercurius's namesake draws from Hermes/Mercury from Greek/Roman Mythology, a liminal god of trickery, boundaries and travelling. He is even referred to as Hermes Trismegistus as well.


Hegemony Gods

Muzan Nerose Satanel Mercurius Marie Reinhard Heydrich Ren Fujii Hajun Hirume

Longinus Dreizehn Orden
I.Reinhard Heydrich

II.Tubal Cain III.Valeria Trifa IV.Wilhelm Ehrenburg V.Kei Sakurai V.V. Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen VI.Rea Himuro VII.Goetz von Berlichingen VIII.Rusalka Schwagerin IX.Eleonore von Wittenburg X.Rot Spinne XI.Riza Brenner XII.Wolfgang Schreiber XIII.Mercurius XIII.Zarathustra
