« The goddess Izanami, her light forever extinguished Sleeps her final rest beneath Mt. Hiba amidst Izumo and Hoki, neighbor-lands standing vigil. On its burial grounds Lord Izanagi stood, His ten-grasp steel drawn, As Kagu-tsuchi’s head fell to dust beneath the kinslayer’s blade. Creation Figment―― And so the word of the heavenly lord resoundeth: may the very bones be incinerated by my scorching flames! »
« Die dahingeschiedene Izanami wurde auf dem Berg Hiba an der Grenze zu den Ländern Izumo und Hahaki zu Grabe getragen. Bei dieser Begebenheit zog Izanagi sein Schwert das er mit sich fuhrte und die Lange von zehn nebeneinander gelegten Fäusten besas, und enthauptete ihr Kind, Kagutsuchi. Briah― Man sollte nach den Gesetzen der Götter leben! »
General Information[]
Man sollte nach den Gesetzen der Götter leben (爾天神之命以布斗麻邇爾ト相而詔之, Koko ni Amatsukami no Mikoto mochite Futomani ni Uraete Noritama Hitsuraku?) is the Transcendence-TypeBriah degree of Kei Sakurai. Originated from her craving of "I wish that my passion burns forever".
When activated, Kei’s body becomes pure flame that can instantly
vaporize metal. This also makes it virtually impossible to strike her
physically, as she is nothing more than fire. It also allows
her to travel through any space fire can travel through, even if it were
far too small or narrow for any human. She can also extend the length
of relic by several meters by encasing it in flames, giving her an
additional edge against those who are able to withstand the heat she