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Magsarion (マグサリオン, Magusarion) is a heretical warrior of Yazata, who walk on the path of Madou, and could be recognize by his exterior personality as The Remorseless (無慙, Muzan). The second Hegemony God to sit on the Throne as well as the creator of the world of Paradise Lost.


Magsarion is a man driven by his maddening anger and wrath, the intensity of his emotion is enough to break the limitation of Melek Tawus, an armor that used emotion as fuel. Due to his childhood with Varhram, a person who he described as "hundreds faces", Magsarion despite anything that is not immutable. Hence, the entire world of Ahura Mazda, the heaven of constant changing, is unbearable for him. He hardly talks or doing any unnecessary for his goal (in this case, killing). This is a trait that associate with him from the binding of this third Commandment to his idealogy, as Magsarion himself, does not care if it is him who takes the Throne, but the person he sees as worthy. Although mad in nature, Magsarion often acts in a somewhat logical manner, such as when he slaughters the entire Ashavan village to prevent the possibility of them fall in Dragvant.

As The Remorseless, his attitude seems to shift from his usual self, being more talkative well mannered.


Before Avesta of Black and White[]

Born as the bastard child of Varhram and Ahura Mazda, he is destined to be his mother apoptosis, the wicked sword that is opposite to the Divine Sword. Raised by Varhram as his younger brother, Magsarion held a great disdain for him and anyone around him. He considers everyone mutable, especially his brother who relied on everyone. Described him as having "hundreds faces". He desires to kill his brother.

He knew Alma since he was 7, studied in the same school, and was considered a problem child even back then. He'd do nothing, separate himself away from everyone.

On the Day of Collapse, Magsarion was one of the survivors who had withness the accursed fate of Varhram, who was killed by fallen Ashavan after his defeat at the hand of Khvarenah. The remorse of being unable to kill his brother anymore as well as the uncertainty of this world set Magsarion on a complete path of Madou. He established his first Commandment, Saoshyant Asvatereta. the binding to not follow Varhram way.

He would later establish another two Commandments and becoming a Yazata. He was the first who met Zurvan while clearing the new Wahman Yast. Having respect for the man's intuition.

Avesta of Black and White[]

Magsarion first appeared to save Quinn and Samluch from a Daeva that killed off their allies. After realizing that the Ashavan villager used one of Khvarenah creation for protection, which twisted their prayer into creating a Daeva instead, he murdered the entire village. When confronted, he said he did so to prevent the fall to happens.

After replenished his Star Spirit Blessing, Magsarion follows Quinn and her group to Zahhāk. Fear that Magsarion will repeat the same thing he did in the village, the Quinn and other escorted Yazata tried to get to him but abruptly teleport him away first. There Zurvan told him about the intuition he had about Man Murdering Demon arrival to the planet. Magsarion then asked Zurvan back about the gunslinger's past. Zurvan revealed to Magsarion about his nature as a Star Spirit and his connection to Mashyana, that she will eventually find him. Magsarion excited in bloodlust, order Zurvan to comply, in which he agreed.

When the Man Murdering Demons finally arrived, Magsarion and Zurvan have to face two maids, Elnaz and Farah, along with the Special Class Daeva Munsarat. While giving all they got, they still are no match for the butler and his mistress Frederica. Beaten, Alma used her trump card, that is to order Kaikhosru to save them, as she becomes his interest. While the two Archdemons confront each other, Magsarion rushed to attack Frederica, slashing her over and over and over, until the empty Saws started to feel "love". Both Kaikhosru and Frederica were teleported to Singularity Angra Mainyu for Gathas.

Brother heart

Older Brother's heartbeat

Return to Wahman Yast, Verethragna, the celebration of Varhram was held. There was a tournament where Magsarion fought against Sirius. It was a fight to the death, to protect Magsarion from his own Commandment. During the fight, Sirius prompts Mgasarion to join him to create a "new world", free form their mad mother. Magsarion responds with a distortion, claiming he heard "his older brother's heartbeat". His cut affected all creation, even in a small scale. Sirius, manage to overcome it, convince Magsarion for the mutual ground to create his idea.

The tournament is over without any casualty, Magsarion went to his usually self-destructive training where Quinn confronted him. She told him that he is not alone and that they are the same. Magsarion refuses and attacks Quinn with killing intent, but before they quarrel can go any further, a tear appeared in the sky of Wahman Yast, Mashyana, the fifth Archdemons had arrived just as they expected.


Child Magsarion

Magsarion, Quinn, and Zurvan sucked into the tear, teleported to Druj Nasu, Mashyana's star. While Quinn and Zurvan try to survive against the fallen island-size flower petals and Mashyana familiar, the knight remains still. When Incest arrived and order Quinn to escaped, Magsarion became in contact with Mashyag, turning him back into a child, according to his immense remorse. Quinn confronted him, trying to understand what remorse that trigger the effect. Although not manage to fully understand the now young boy, she created a bond with him.

During the final battle between Zurvan and Mashyana, the effect of Mashyag on him started to fade and his body slowly revert back to normal. He said he kept hearing his brother's "heartbeat" once more, remorse over the fact that he was unable to meet with Varhram again. Quinn broke it to him. She told Magsarion that he should move pass his brother, gathers the "fragments" that Varhram left on everyone. With newfound perspective, he touched Quinn with the killing intent with the name of love. He thanks her as his doll.

At the end of the Druj Nasu battle, he slew Incest, freed her from her misery. He returned to Wahman Yast and gave the dying Samluch Mashyag that reproduce his armor, resurrected her.

After the death of Mashyana, Nadare transported all of the remaining Archdemon into a neighboring space. This causes Wahman Yast, Zahhak, and Saurva to be closer than they originally were. At this point, the alliance between Sirius and Kaikhosru had been revealed. They decided to kill Khvarenah by teleport to the inside of his body and destroy his core. Magsarion, Quinn, Frederica, Munsarat, and other Man Murdering Demons are the ones that would carry out the mission. They first teleport to Garden of Bloodshed Baliga before making their move. Suddenly, they were interrupted by Bahlavan, who was sent crashing down onto the castle by Khvarenah. Magasarion fought against the Archdemon while Quinn and others continued to move on.

At first, Magsarion was completely stomped by Bahlavan. Even though this third Commandment, Saoshyant Mah, allowed him to inflicted some damage, it was not enough. That is while getting beaten, Magsarion started to awake his immutable. It was that of void. As his body started to become oblivious to physical damage, he began to stand on equal ground as Bahlavan. At this moment, he started to remake his Commandment. With Soashyant Mah ability to enhance sixth sense and created a gap in the enemy, he added the ability to kill anyone he understand their truth. Meanwhile, Bahlavan, who acknowledge Magsarion as a similar existence as he is, activated his true Commandment, Maurya Aeshma. Countless copies of Bahlavan appeared, each is no different than his original self. Even so, they were no match for Magsarion who understood his nature. All of his copies were killed and his Power of Ego self dispersed. In the meantime, two of the locust were also killed and becoming the part of Magsarion.

Magsarion then moved on to Khvarenah, who was on the verge of emanating his Big Bang. He was transported into the Forge of Ruin's personal space, where various cosmic scale attacks were directed at him. All of them were useless to Magsarion that understood Khvarenah and his contradiction. He slew the forge of ruin and swallowed his prayer into his remorseless. It was in this fight that Magsarion grasped to the mechanism of Hegemony, as well as a revelation that Avesta is not a mere instinct, but a living being. Firmly set him on the path of Meifu Madou.

The last Archdemon left on the battlefield was Frederica. Even though Magsarion understood her love, he pretend to be ignorant. That is to save the remanence of her romance as she wishes. This put Magsarion at a disadvantage and his immutable body started to crack. During the battle, Frederica realized from Munsarat that her love was a result of his rebounding gale. To prove to her that her love is real, she intentionally broke her Commandment. As a result, she fell into a normal Ashavan and was killed by Magsarion. Swallowed her immutable love.

After the battle, Munsarat and other Man Murdering Demons pledged their loyalty to Magsarion, in which he ordered them all to die. They gladly complied, slit their own throats.

Three months passed after the previous fight, Magsarion used this period to observe and understand everyone around him. He and Alma went to meet Kaikhosru at Zahhak. Kaikhosru pointed out Magsarion's nature as apoptosis and that he is disappearing. Alma revealed her feeling, confessed to him, and told him that he is the only immutable thing she saw when she lost everything. Magsarion responded by attacking her, causing Kaikhosru to intervene. In the battle, Kaikhosru managed to use his Commandment along with his authority to stole Magsarion's arm and petrified parts of him.

At the treaty event between Kaikhosru and Sirius, their battle resumed. Kaikhosru used his stolen immutable arm to his advantage, fatally wound Magsarion. That's when Kaikhosru felt Magsarion's heartbeat, now understood that Kaikhosru was not alive. Alma fell from the observatory, forcing Kaikhosru to save her and thus create an equivalent exchange that brought Magsarion's arm back. He then proceeded to kill Alma, who wanted to help both Kaikhosru and Magsarion to complete their goal as well as briefly emanated Kaikhosru. Roxanne along with others of Kaikhosru's mistress made their final stand against Magasarion. There's no remorse or regret inside them. Magsarion swallowed all of them into himself.

He was assaulted by a wave of fall created by Nahid, who is freed from the seal. It did not affect him more than the sense of disgust. Magsarion wanted to kill both Nahid and Sirius, seeing it was the fastest way to understand Varhram, while Nahid, who is unable to act on her own will as her brother desired, thinking killing Magsarion would make things easier. On the other hand, Sirius wants to resolve the situation without killing as his Hegemony is for salvation. Thus, the three-way battle began.

Sirius's Hegemony managed slowly to wash away Nahid's Commandment, finally make her act on her sincerity. The battle turn into two vs one, even then, Magsarion still managed to corner the siblings. Nahid used Aka Manah power to rearrange stars and open the gaps which lead to Age of Zero, where Naraka resides.

Magsarion tried to enter the hole and pushed through in order to understand it, despite his core being invaded by Zero. However, Ferdows was the one who touched Zero instead of him, turning into a bizarre incomprehensible geometric shape being. After the gap was closed, Magsarion finished off Sirius and Nahid, along with Ferdows.

With him and Quinn being the last Yazata left, they were summoned into Angra Mainyu of Nadare. Nadare and Magsarion fought, while Quinn was moved to Sanctuary of Divine Sword. Nadare wanting to understand where Magsarion path will lead. Upon realizing his immutable void body, she wanted to be swallowed by him. She used all of her authority to trace Magsarion path up until now. They traveled to Magsarion birthplace, old Wahman Yast, Druj Nasu, Baliga, Saurva, New Continent. In the end, Magsarion killed Nadare, who died fulfill her role as the last of her kind and recalled her true name.

Inside a collapsing Angra Mainyu, Magsarion received the last gift from Nadare. It was the information of all life in the universe. Even though the ultimate black was no more, the universal fall still occurred. Magsarion laughed, his Melek Tawus reached its limit and broke apart, revealing his faceless void body. With his old sword gone, he found a new one around the corner. Its appearance was the same as Divine Sword, but the content was different. Upon pulling it, Magsarion face started to resemble Varhram, though dark and twisted. He made a vow to kill everyone in the universe.


Magsarion Unmasked

Years passed and the new Avesta cycle began. Magsarion, now known as the faceless monster, slaughter and devouring the black and white alike. Mitra who was watching the event unfold all the time congratulate Magsarion and transport him to a mandala space with multiple colors. Despite all of the souls has been reaped, Mitra power did not dwindle. He was greeted by Zurvan, one who got removed from everyone's memory since Druj Nasu battle. Mitra had removed Zurvan from the world as a punishment for breaking his own vow to be free from all law, despite being an Observer of Varuna. He fire his gun at Magsarion, to which that black knight responded by slashing him. Dying, Zurvan accept his fate to have his existence replaced, entrust everything to Magsarion.

Countless everyone appeared in the place of Zurvan, all are different from the one Magsarion has swallowed. Finally, the shape immerge as none other than Varhram, who was also holding a Divine Sword. He shamelessly asked Magsarion to hand over his understanding of everyone for him to perfect his Aeon to fight against Zero. He was rejected, of course, and so they fought.

Magsarion was on the losing side. He was inferior to Varhram sword skill and continue to take damage. To topple that, he also use his Aeon to reproduce every opponent and allies Magsarion had, each becoming closer to the original. Unyielded, Varhram admitted that he thought his winning condition was to make Magsarion smile, yet he wasn't able to get through his son. In contrast, Magsarion unraveled his father's true feelings. To prove his usefulness to others that he disconnected.

They clashed again, this time Varhram was put at a disadvantage as he could not kill Magsarion before gaining his victory. On contrary, Magsarion who finally understood his father's nature mortally wounded him along with Ahura Mazda. With all the power of these three Commandments combined, Magsarion severed Varhram connection to Zero. Being on the same side as everyone, Aeon of Sirius created by Kouha, appeared and the two friends reconciled in their last moment.

Only Magsariona and Mitra left, thus the first battle of Throne transmigration begun. Mitra admits that Magsarion is more powerful than her in a combat sense. However, since he did not attain Hegemony, he cannot ascend to the Throne. Mitra made her move by creating countless versions of herself, embodied cells in her body that are everyone. Though Magsarion had no problem killing each of these Mitra, it would take an absurd amount of time to fully clear them all. In the meantime, new Hegemony candidates could be born and defeat Magsarion. Since Magsarion thrives to truly overthrow Mitra who grasped all possible succeeding eras. He began his reincarnation and a modification of his Commandments, the law that was imposed by Mitra now under his own hands. Quinn exposed Mitra Commandment and her commander, Kouha, that she placed inside the Throne, who up until now is akin to a projecting machine, started to have a heart of her own. Inspired by Magsarion's way of life.

Muzan avesta

Birth of the Remorseless

All of the prayers he had accumulated up this point swallowed him, replacing Madou Magsarion with the exterior personality of The Remorseless Hegemony God. Lastly, Magsarion asked Mitra about "that child" she claimed to be ordinary unlike them. Magsarion said that child should be the one to lead the Pantheon, not irregular like Varhram, Mitra's prepared commander or self-interested God like them. Once his transformation was completed and he decapitated Mitra, who accepted her defeat. The Remorseless exterior personality emanated Paradise Lost, while real Meifu Madou Magsarion descended into the deepest part of Throne, along with Quinn as his scabbard.

Paradise Lost[]

While he does not appear in the game, he is the one who created the world of Paradise Lost. At the end of the game Nerose Satanael usurps the throne from him.

Kajiri Kamui Kagura[]

Daten-Naraku Mausoleum

Daten Naraku Mausoleum

The Remorseless made a token appearance as one of the former Hegemony Gods in the Throne Archive of Samsara Vartin's temple along with Nigenron, Hisouten, Eigo Kaiki, Rinne Tensei and Tengu Dou.

Due to misintepretation of the cult, Daten Naraku was depicted is a king of the righteous who lost his faith in the way of good and decided to become evil that consume evil himself. The Second Generation who overthrew First Heaven and replaced with the law where the beast of original sin implanted in every beings upon their birth, civilization reached its peak akin to returning to age before Throne.

Dies Irae Pantheon[]

« "The second generation God" who overthrew Shinga and took the Throne, his Law planted the original sin in every living being, creating the world of primordial karma."

"Therefore, with the desires growing to the extremes, not being shackled by anything, the era where atrocious crime equal to the progression of civilization had begun."

"The Paradise where evil consumes evil."

"A world where strength is everything, sinful people poisoned by cruelty and shamelessness, and if shame does not exist, neither does regret." »

(Excerpt from Dies Irae Pantheon site translated)

Muzan, along with the other Hadou gods is resurrected by Naraka for a mysterious purpose. During the meeting of Gods, he attacked Hajun. Losing his arm in the process in exchange for Hajun's finger. Although both soon regenerate due to Naraka imposing some condition of them.


Star Spirit Divine Blessing[]


AnnihilateAlastor is a technique Magsarion used from Star Spirit Divine Blessing's loophole. When activated, a dark flame engulfs his sword, allowing him to disintegrate his enemy.


A technique used to over-heal the enemy, causing the cell to destroy themselves. It works well with enemies who can regenerate.


Combination of two Sam and Fravard. His sword creates a black shock wave that shoots like an arrow from Flight blessing.


Saoshyant Asvatereta[]

Magsarion established his first Commandment after the death of his brother. The binding is "Denying Varhram and not continuing with his way to live, the boon is "Vanishing of parts resembling Varhram". Anything related to Varhram being direct to him would result in the breaking of Commandment. However, due to its vague nature, the only punishment Magsarion receive is intense pain.

Saoshyant Aushedar[]

In exchange for "Forbidding physical contact between myself and others with the exception of those involving killing intent ", he is given the ability to "Turn the sum of killing intent into offensive power" as a boon

Saoshyant Mah[]

In exchange for "to remain ready for battle at all times", he gain " the sharpening of sixth sense " as a boon.

Magsarion is unable to perform a human physiological activity that is useless for killing evil and forbids blinking, sleeping, eating, defecating, being unarmed, and thinking about anything other than killing. These restrictions would kill any normal human. However, Magsarion survived due to the usage of his armor, Melek Taus. Although it replenishes his stamina, it does not save him from the pain.

In exchange for those restraints, he gains the power to see a weakpoint in his opponent and, if there is none, he can force it to happens.

Saoshyant Taurwairi[]

In exchange for the binding of "Remaking his existing Commandments, and not using them as he had until now", he gets "Becoming an existence that exceeds The Truth's predictions" as a boon. In order to defeat Mitra, who rules the universe and had planned all successive Throne era, Magsarion decided to remake his Commandment in a way she couldn't predict.

  • His prohibition of physical contact between himself and others with the exception of those involving killing intent; he added approval of others.
  • His prohibition of anything unrelated to killing; he added killing his opponents upon understanding them. this is the first remake he underwent, which allows Magsarion to defeat an opponent that supposes to be far above him like Bahlavan or Khvarenah.
  • His prohibition of following Varhram's way of life; he added to be ahead of Varhram. To do what his father couldn't do.

Meifu Madou[]

(Meifu Madou,冥府魔道), a disposition that Magsarion possesses specifically. It is the path of killing intent and annihilation, neither Hegemony nor Transcendence. Despite not being a God, his power can rival that of the Throne God. However, he cannot take the Throne himself. Combined with his first Commandment as well as pushing Melek Tawus beyond its limit, his body turn into an Immutable Void.[1]Without flesh or blood, Magsarion can withstand any attack that isn't his level.

Older Brother's Heartbeat[]

An incomplete version of his Immutability. When Magsarion's killing intent rise to the highest, a black distortion appears around him. He can cut all things in creation. Despite being in not-so-long vicinity, that part of the universe has been totally deleted.

Prayer Accumulation[]

Magsarion can absorb the prayers of those he had killed. Unlike his mother, who can only accumulate prayer of the White, Magsarion does it indiscriminately. These prayers that became immutable memories, laid a foundation for his new world.

Big Bang[]

Paradise Lost[]

Law of The Remorseless, exterior personality of Magsarion made out of everyone's prayers. All life is implanted with Original Sin, a trait that will decide each person's nature. Of all sins, those with the trait of Kaikhosru, Khvarenah, and Sirius reign as the strongest and serve as the main foundation of this new paradise.


Melek Tawus[]

A daemonic living armor made by Khvarenah. It allows Magsarion to survive under the condition of his third Commandment. Magsarion can manipulate the armor to be active even it should have been destroyed (dead).

Divine Sword[]

Magsarion used his own version of the Divine Sword, who is indeed Quinn, in this quest to slaughter the entire universe and defeat Varhram. The power is in the same nature as the original Divine Sword.


  • His Voice Actor, Itou Kentarou also voiced the main antagonist in another work of Masada, Amakasu Masahiko.
  • Magsarion turned into Onyx when he is under the effect of Kaikhosru Authority.


  1. In Japanese, the word used is 無 (Mu), which translted to nothingness or none. In the story, the word refers to the concept of "lacking" or "devoid off", such as 無頼, villainous or literally, devoid of trust, 無辺, infinite or literally, devoid of boundry, 無敵, invincible or literally devoid of enemy. This is not the same as Sirius's false Hegemony of immutable zero, which is a middle ground between Good and Evil.
Hegemony Gods

The Remorseless Nerose Satanel Mercurius Marie Reinhard Heydrich Ren Fujii Hajun Amaterasu
