Shinza Bansho Wiki
Longinus Dreizehn Orden

Longinus Dreizehn OrdenHoly Thirteen Knights (聖槍十三騎士団せいそうじゅうさんきしだん, Seisou Jū-San KishidanSeisho-San Kishidan?), also known as the Obsidian Round Table (黒円卓こくえんたく, Koku Entaku?) or the Longinus Thirteen, is a heretical organization of Apostles sorcerers put together by Mercurius and led by Reinhard Heydrich.

The Longinus Dreizehn Orden's mission is to help Reinhard achieve Atziluth and become a Hegemony God through the ritual known as the Transmutation of Gold.


Formed by Heinrich Himmler in 1939 during World War II due to his lifelong facination in the occult, it was a secret club originally created for high ranking Nazi officers of the Einsatzgruppen, where they studied the occult and roleplayed as Knights. This was a way to fufill his fantacies, thus Himmler saw the schutzstaffel as an Order along the lines of the Teutonic Knights.

One of the earliest members was Reinhard Heydrich, the man of whom Himmler had the most respect enough so that he made him his deputy in 1932.

Through the addition and influence of Mercurius, along the implementation of the Die Ewigkeit formula of Sorcery, the Longinus Dreizehn Orden went from a mere occult club into a secret organization of occultists and later into a group of True Demons, which began to cut off parts of itself until it was left with only the mightiest of individuals. All of its members became the thirteen troops with the strongest power among the Nazi remnants commonly known as the Last Batallion (最後の大隊, Saigo No Daitai?, literally Letztes Bataillon).

Die Morgendämmerung[]

Reinhard Heydrich was brought before a prisoner, Karl Kraft, who had predicted the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler along with various other high ranking Nazi members. This reunion began to open his eyes to the truth of the occult, and of his own unique existance.

Impressed by the strength displayed by Reinhard Heydrich, Wolfgang Schreiber, Wilhelm Ehrenburg, Eleonore von Wittenburg, Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen, Riza Brenner and Valeria Trifa joined the Table, pledging loyalty to him. It was here where Reinhard fully awakened to his identity as the Apoptosis of Mercurius.


Longinus Dreizehn Orden
Reinhard Heydrich
Tubal Cain
Valeria Trifa
Wilhem Ehrenburg
Reinhard Heydrich Sakurai Clan Valeria Trifa Wilhelm Ehrenburg
Mephistopheles Tubal Cain Christof Lohengrin Kaziklu Bey
Hagal Portal Ur Portal Algiz Portal Thurisaz Portal
Kei Sakurai
Rea Himuro
Goëtz von Berlichingen
Rusalka Schwagerin
Kei Sakurai Rea Himuro Goëtz von
Rusalka Schwagerin
Leonhard August Sonnenkind Machina Malleus Maleficarum
Tiwaz Portal Eihwaz Portal Laguz Portal Naudiz Portal
Eleonore von Wittenburg
Rot Spinne
Riza Brenner
Wolfgang Schreiber
Eleonore von
Unknown Riza Brenner Wolfgang Schreiber
Samiel Zentaur Rot Spinne Babylon Magdalena Hróðvitnir
Sowilo Portal Odal Portal Berkanan Portal Wolfsangle Portal
Ren Fujii
Ren Fujii
Dagaz Portal

Former Members[]

Former Longinus Dreizehn Orden
Musashi Sakurai
Rei Sakurai
Kai Sakurai
Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen
II. II. II. V.
Musashi Sakurai Rei Sakurai Kai Sakurai Beatrice Waltrud
von Kircheisen
Tubal Cain Tubal Cain Tubal Cain Valkyrie
Ur Portal Ur Portal Ur Portal Tiwaz Portal
Isaak Karl Ernst Kraft
Eine Sonnenkind Mercurius
Eihwaz Portal Dagaz Portal


The Einherjar (エインフェリア, Einferia?), also know as the Three Knights (三騎士, San Kishi?) is a title bestowed to the Battalion Commanders (大隊長, Dai Taichō?), the strongest members of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden after Reinhard who serve directly under him. They are considerably stronger then the other members of Reinhard's Legion (save for Reinhard himself & Mercurius).

Goëtz von Berlichingen
Eleonore von Wittenburg
Wolfgang Schreiber
Einherjar Nigredo Laguz Portal Einherjar Rubedo Sowilo Portal Einherjar Albedo Wolfsangle Portal

Just like Reinhard, if all Swastikas are not open, it is impossible to the Battalion Commanders to appear in the world. At the stage when three Swastikas are opened, they are limited to barely materialize like an afterimage, with only about 30-40% of their original power. At the Fourth Swastika, they possess half of their original power, and all the Battalion Commanders can materialize upon the release of the Fifth Swastika. With the Sixth opening they regain nearly 80% of their power, and they are almost at full power with the Seventh opening.

Longinus Dreizehn Orden
I.Reinhard Heydrich

II.Tubal Cain III.Valeria Trifa IV.Wilhelm Ehrenburg V.Kei Sakurai V.V. Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen VI.Rea Himuro VII.Goetz von Berlichingen VIII.Rusalka Schwagerin IX.Eleonore von Wittenburg X.Rot Spinne XI.Riza Brenner XII.Wolfgang Schreiber XIII.Mercurius
