Lilliel (リリエル, Ririeru), the Executor (執行者, Shokkousha), also often refered to by her nickname Lil (リル, Riru), is the sole surviving Angel created by Nerose Satanel. Originally one of four Seraphim, the highest rank of Angel, together with her sisters Uriel, Michael, and Raphael, Lilliel, known then as Gabriel (ガブリエル, Gaburieru), served Satanael and were created as part of Project Paradise Lost. Later, Satanael would seek to use her as his Eve, the mother of all people repopulating his true Zoar.
Lilliel is a kind and helpful individual who often cries. She is somewhat naïve and can appear airheaded, but she makes witty remarks at Lyle when necessary and doesn't fail to follow conversation. Unlike those who adhere to the "Law of the Jungle" in the Isolated City, Lyle often notes that Lilliel does not belong there. Despite her gentle nature, she accepts the harsh laws, believing it natural for humans to devour each other, which shocks Lyle.
Before gaining her sense of self, like the other Angels, Lilliel was like a puppet, but after spending time with Lot, she awakened and became the Lilliel presented in the story.
Before Paradise Lost[]
Gabriel initially did not differ in the slightest from her sisters. Everything was decided by Satanael, whom she obeyed without question. And like her fellow Angels, she was created by Satanael in an attempt to create a being without the Original Sin that humanity was cursed with. However, because she, like all other Angels, did not display any semblance of free will, Satanael deemed them as failures. Following this, she and the rest of the Angels were used as living weapons by Old Sodom in an attempt at world domination (though still ultimately loyal only to Satanael himself) while Satanael hatched his plan to seize the Throne from God. To that end, Satanael sought to destroy Sodom using the Angels, using the massacre to ascend to Keter.

Lot saves Lilliel by sealing her away.
Shortly before Satanael hatched his plan, Lilliel was assigned to act as the companion of Lot, who had recently become the host of Nacht, as she possessed the unique ability to cleanse built up Sin. The two were nearly inseparable, and though Lilliel thought Lot, who was poor at expressing his feelings, hated her, they ultimately fell in love. When Satanael later ordered the Angels to destroy Sodom, Lilliel was charged with using the unique arte "Netsiv Melakh" - the weapon that was meant to level Sodom completely, cleansing it of its built-up Sin, as Nacht, Beelzebub and Astaroth slaughtered her and her kin. Things did not go as planned, however. Lot, who had yet to be completely subsumed by Nacht, rather than kill her, released a massive amount of Sin that plunged the ghetto of Judecca within Old Sodom into the Abyss, simultaneously sealing Lilliel, with her budding free will, in a massive slab of crystal. She would remain sealed for the following three thousand years.
Paradise Lost[]
At the end of this period, Lyle, who had woken from his own slumber roughly twenty years prior, disrupted Lilliel's seal during a confrontation with an agent of the Ähnlichkeit Viper, the gang ruling the Isolated City. Initially believing Lilliel to be an android, Lyle attempted to sell her to Carmine, but was informed that she is an organic being, and that he should bring Lilliel along as an assistant when digging up relics of Old Sodom.
Following their first dig, Lilliel and Lyle returned to Ennis' bar, and though Ennis was wary of Lilliel initially, due to how close she was with Lyle, the two quickly became friends, though their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Judas Strife, who engaged Lyle in combat. Lilliel would later intervene in their battle, gravely wounding both, having reverted to her "original" robotic self temporarily. After Lyle regained consciousness, she would later go on to meet him in the M District where he was convalescing, confessing her love to Lyle as a person of her own, but would be rejected due to the latter's belief in his incompatibility with her. Dejected, Lilliel fled to Ennis who attempted to extract the reason for Lyle's rejection, but ultimately, believing herself to be useless, left on her own. Wandering around D4 late at night, she came across Judas, who recommended that she descend to the bottom of the M District to free herself of the feelings swirling around in her chest.

Lilliel sings a song of blessings.
She would do so, and be found later by Lyle, who had descended initially at Nacht's urging, but due to her mental state, did not recognize him. The song she sang, one of blessings and happiness, was anathema to a being infused with Sin like Lyle, and simultaneously reanimated the corpse of several angels of the fifth through seventh ranks, which Lyle promptly destroyed using the Megiddo of Belial. Terrified of the prospect of death at an unknown person, Lilliel attempted to call upon Netsiv Melakh to destroy Nacht, but aborted her arte mere moments before completion, noticing Lyle's presence for the first time. As Lyle had just regained control of himself from Nacht, he would this time offer to bring Lilliel outside, which she tearfully accepts.

Lil slaughters Dezard's men.
Some time later, Lilliel and Lyle would launch an assault against the Ähnlichkeit Viper in an attempt to seize the gate control mechanism from them. Separated, Lilliel would find herself attacked by the forces of Dezard Grave, the self-styled Puppeteer of the Isolated City, which she would easily slaughter before dispatching Dezard herself. This would mark the collapse of the Ähnlichkeit Viper, as only the false Tyrant, Azlan Weishaupt, would survive the night. Despite collapsing the gang controlling the Isolated City, however, neither Lilliel nor Lyle obtained the control mechanism for the Gate.

Judas and Ast recover Lilliel
Lilliel later became the target of a recapture mission from Zoar, orchestrated by Satanael, in which Astaroth, Know Christ, and Judas Strife would be dispatched to separate her from Lyle and incapacitate her for recovery. Judas and Know would engage Lyle, while Astaroth pursued and would disable Lilliel, reverting her back to her robotic state. Though Ast was successful in her mission, Know and Judas, acting as the host of Beelzebub, were less than successful in disposing of Lyle, and Lilliel would awaken and invoke Netsiv Melakh for real as both Nacht and Beelzebub unleashed their ultimate techniques. Though both Judas and Lyle survived, the outer districts of the Isolated City were annihilated and the M District was cleansed. In the aftermath, she would be brought back to Zoar.

Lilliel and Lyle share a tender moment.
Lyle would then later break into Pandemonium, where she was being held, in an attempt to save her, but Lilliel, having regained her memories, would beg Lyle to kill her and allow Satanael's plan to proceed as originally planned, but Lyle refuses and confesses his love for her. The two share a tender moment, which is interrupted by Satanael, whom Lyle engages in combat. During their battle, Astaroth arrives, to whom Lilliel reveals the truth about her role, in exchange for asking Astaroth for a promise. Astaroth agrees as the battle between Lyle and Satanael reaches its conclusion, ending in a draw. As Astaroth goes to Satanael, Lilliel goes to Lyle, and the two promise to meet again in Zoar as the world reconstructs with Satanael as its God. Lilliel, in this world a movie star, meets Lyle in this world looking for a bodyguard to show her around, and bursts into tears having realized the connection that the two shared as Ast and Satanael gaze down at their Paradise from a nearby rooftop.
Normal Ending[]
Everything is the same until the final option of her route, where instead of Lyle telling her he will kill her, he brushes her off, saying he is no longer an angel killer because Nacht no longer resides in him, and thus he is no longer bound by his role, and she should not be either, to which she says she can't forgive her past sins. Satanael comes, and their interaction is basically the same, except that this time, Satanael outlines his plans for Lil before the combat begins. Cogito Ergo Sum - "I think, therefore I am," a fundamental concept shared by all living creatures that serves as proof of their existence, and a premise that Angels lack. That is, except for Lil.
Because her heart has been awakened, Satanael intends to make Lil the new Eve for his world, claiming that Lyle is similar to the old snake who gave her the fruit of knowledge and that he will not allow him to affect her with his sin (basically saying he will not reach Zoar), to which Lyle responds that he is insane. Satanael then takes control of Lil, challenging Lyle to murder her while knowing he won't. In reality, it was to clear the way for Astaroth to emerge and remove what was unnecessary. Lyle takes the fight to the roof via the hole in the room, fending off the controlled Lil's assaults while evading and calling out to her. He decides Satanael controlled her with the phrase:
"In the name of the Creator, let a human be created from the tiniest clot of blood"
Eventually, Lilliel reaches her limit and begins to collapse and Lyle catches her. She tells him that ever since she awoke, she has been operating on fumes of limited energy, which had entirely depleted when she assaulted Nacht. The only thing holding her afloat was her link with Astaroth, which was severed with Astaroth's death. As her last will, with the collapsing Pandemonium that acted as a lid for the Ley Line, it was going to explode with the accumulated energy taking out everything and she planned to suppress it by taking it into her, which would have exceeded her capacity causing her to die anyway. However, Lyle instead uses his last Flame of Megiddo to nullify it down to where it was acceptable for her to survive.

Lil catches Lyle
Successful in his gamble, the restored Lil catches Lyle and curses him with a kiss to not drop him so they may fly high into the now blue sky, to which Lyle teases her, informing her moments like this you say a charm and a curse is for those you want to kill, making Lil cry and freak out, but he calms her down.
Dies Irae Pantheon[]
An angel created by Satanael.
As bio-weapons, she is not a human and therefore do not have Original Sin.
Initially, she was an emotionless, mechanical being, but became more human when she fought against Lot and was touched by his original sin.
Powers & Abilities[]
An individual who once reigned at the top of the Angels and was given full authority over Project Paradise Lost. She has six wings in total, a testament to the Seraphim, and the combat form of the Executor.

Lilliel, one of the four Seraphim
Created by Satanael, Lilliel has a fifth DNA base element embedded in her, allowing her to access power from the higher Sephira and open the Gates of Heaven through the Ley Lines. However, due to Satanael's control over the Ley Lines, she must say "Access, Master" to use this power, which leads to the bring about of Equation.
In the story, Lilliel uses two main techniques related to water:
Gabriel (Real Name Unknown)[]
A meteor shower that targets only the wicked. It effectively brings down Nacht and helps Lyle regain consciousness.
Netsiv Melakh[]
Considered one of the strongest techniques, capable of devastating civilizations, though it misfires in the story.
Natural Abilities[]
Angel Resurrection[]
Used on Lyle. Through her song she had revived Angels lost in Armageddon by implanting the angel bound to the Fifth Heaven, Mathey, into the remains of previously destroyed Angels.
The resurrected angels are of the lower, middle, and higher ranks, so it is thought that the remains were Archangels, Powers, and Authorities. Additionally, the contents are said to be angels of extra-rank. However, if told to Nacht, the method of resurrection would be praised, but due to the blank state, the vessel being a corpse, and the low level of the contents, it would be considered underwhelming.
Phase Transition from Yesod to Malkuth[]
Used on Astaroth. By manipulating the Fifth Element, the scream becomes a directional destructive soundwave. It distorts, tears, and compresses space, hollowing out structures and even dissipating dust.
However, as Ast is an Anti-Angel, the Fifth Element of the Angels did not work on her.