Shinza Bansho Wiki
Kai Sakurai

Kai Sakurai (櫻井戒, Sakurai Kai) was Kei Sakurai's older brother, and a member of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden until his death. After dying, he became part of the gestalt undead known as Tubal Cain (トバルカイン, Tobarukain).

Powers & Abilities[]

Die Ewigkeit[]


Wewelsburg Longinus[]

In Kai's hands, the Holy Spear of the Black Throne takes the form of a large greatsword.


Tubal Cain Curse[]

Tubal Cain can use the Briah of all the previous possessors of Wewelsburg Longinus as well as those who have been killed by it.

May sasurahime carry all such taint, shoulder all such malice liberating me from woe and misery[]

Musashi Sakurai's Hadou Briah, it poisons the area around him, turning everyone around him into corpses.

Begone, exile, for the realm of the gods welcomes you no longer[]

Rei Sakurai's Hadou Briah, it transforms Wewelsburg Longinus into a cannon which can shoot out corrosive poison at long distances.

May all that dare lay a hand upon me pay the price in suffering untold as they writhe and boil in the cauldron of the abyss[]

Kai's Gudou Birah, it covers Kai's body in highly corrosive poison. Because of this briah, Kai was known as the strongest Tubal Cain.
