Hegemony Gods
Hegemony Gods (覇道神, Hadoushin), also known as Hadou Gods, are one of the two types of Gods in the Shinza Banshou series.
A Hegemony God's Law expands outwards, rewriting the rules of the universe according to their desires. They are basically living universes, constantly expanding to encompass all of creation. That being the case, only one Hegemony God can exist at a time under normal circumstances because if two or more existed, the strongest one would inevitably consume the weaker ones and continue expanding (Changed after Marie's ascension to the throne as her Law allowed for multiple Hegemony Gods to coexist). Unlike Transcendence God, Hegemony Gods can take in Souls to increase their power. However, the weight of their Craving and quality of their own soul still proritize over quantity.
The Throne[]
As the Throne exists outside of the universe/multiverse, only a Hegemony God, whose craving is for domination, is capable of controlling it. A clash between Hegemony Gods is capable of creating a Singularity, opening a path to the Throne. Any Gods who take over the Throne will be bound by it, since their power will crush the universe otherwise. Hence, the Throne Gods interact with their mortal via Sensory.
A Kamunagara is the physical manifestation of a Hegemony God's Law.
Known Examples:[]
Throne Gods[]
- The Moment/Tenma Yato
- The Gold
- Izanami (Formerly)