Shinza Bansho Wiki

Craving (渇望, Katsubō) is a desire that's grown without being obtained. Commonly expressed as thirst, hunger, prayer, wish, dream, and color, among other terms, a craving flows forth from a person's soul. Wanting what you don't have with complete disregard of common sense, cravings can be used as a source of power in the Shinza Banshou series, starting in Fourth Era.

Craving is what determines the Law of the world and the "color" of Taikyoku emanate by the God.

Types of Craving[]

There are two types of cravings, just as there are two types of laws and two types of Gods:


Hegemony (覇道, Hadou) is a prayer to change the world around themselves to fit their own desire. Compare to the will of a king or a conqueror. Those who have Hegemony craving can reach the ultimate state of Hegemony God, the only God who can take the Throne as their craving expands outward, repainting the universe with their own color.

Examples of Hegemony Craving[]

« "I love everything at full power" »

« "I want to bring down others" »

« "I want to enjoy this moment forever" »


Transcendence (求道, Gudou) is a prayer to change oneself according to one's desire. Compared to a warrior or craftmen wishing to perfect their art. Those with Transcendence craving can reach the state of Transcendence God, in which they will become a walking universe, no longer affected by an existing Law. Although they will be unable to reach the Throne. In the Sixth era, it is far likely for a person to have Transcendence craving instead of Hegemony due to the pre-existing Law.

Examples of Transcendence Craving[]

« "I wish that my passion burns forever" »

« "I want to die with a single end" »

« “I do not want to be touched by anyone” »

*Note: While uncommon, there are occasions where a person/god either switches types (Ren, Marie), has both types (Hajun), or where a craving should manifest as one type, but expresses itself as the other type (Ryuusui).

Because incompatibility between cravings is a clash between the “common sense” of multiple desires, the one with the stronger craving wins.
