Shinza Bansho Wiki

WanderingAsura WanderingAsura 6 January 2024

Sakagami Heirloom (Scythe)

The Sakagami Heirloom's form is the final (normal) form achieved by Habaki Sakagami in Kajiri Kamui Kagura. It's a giant scythe that reaps lives apart, excelling at ensuring its target's death via decapitation, making it reminiscent of a certain guillotine. No wonder then, that this form is unlocked during the battle against Yato, who sports eight such scythes coming out of his back.

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WanderingAsura WanderingAsura 27 December 2023

Wewelsburg Longinus (Rei Ver.)

Rei Sakurai's version of the Wewelsburg Longinus takes the form of a massive war cannon. Since her desire is to for her curse to be forced onto others, the otherwise sword/spear-shaped weapon gains the ability to shoot arrows of curse-like poison. Those struck by the arrows have their body decaying and their heart stop beating. The only remnant of the weapon's previous forms is the shape of an enormous bayonet at the end of the equally massive rifle.

  • Despite being originally made for the German/Nazi war effort and wielded by a Japanese soldier, the actual war cannon portion of Rei's Longinus is based on the British-made Boys anti-tank rifle.
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WanderingAsura WanderingAsura 28 October 2023

Shokou Mandala - Yaoyorozu (Sword of Dawn)

The manifestation of the Dawn's light, which heals all creation, making it the complete opposite of Tengu Dou. After fusing with the Tumor, Habaki's sword turns into the Sword of Dawn, releasing a brilliant light that symbolizes life, different from Hajun's light that erases life. It allowed him to ultimately kill Hajun and remove Tengu Dou's degradation from the universe.

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Ineedthrone Ineedthrone 1 May 2021

This Wiki need help.

This wiki is in need of a huge update. Not that it is inhererntly super outdated, but the info in incomplete. Ren don't even have a complete summary of ANY routes in the game, let alone any characters (beside Lyle, Lil and Satanael). Basic terminoloogy got dumped into Throne page only. Taikyoku has very minimal info. Shinza Basho page that should be the introduction to the wiki has too little info and just links.

If you're Masadaverse fan and has sparred time, pls help using reliable source. This wiki is the one that come up first in the search bar, so people who are new to this series will read this one first, not the another one.

Paralost character only covered single route so techincally it's still incomplete.

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Ineedthrone Ineedthrone 27 April 2021

Masada Power Scaling

⑦Divine class(Multiverse destruction class ~ Universe destruction class) : Hadou God, Gudou God

(6) Divine Family Class (Galaxy Destruction Class - Star and Continent Destruction Class) : Methuselah, Yatsukahagi, Angel, Demon, Seven Great Demon Kings

⑤Human strongest class(Nuclear weapon and city destruction class) : Three Battalion, Lot, Ryumei

④Human Highest Class (Mountain Destruction Class - Bombing - City Destruction Class - Battleship Destruction Class) : Wilhelm, Beatrice, Trifa, Main Force of the Eastern Expedition

③ Human middle class (battleship destruction class - building destruction class): Kei, Rusulka, Know, Ryusui

② Class with little individual strength: Riza, Sakuya

①(Building destruction class): Spinne

The majority are 3), Yomi …

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Fasterth Fasterth 8 November 2018

What to help

Well, need some help working on this, working on this alone kinda tiresome. Also if anyone has resources/fact/ information that of uses post in this the blog or add a page with the facts etc, since I'm only one working on this site I probably get around using it at some point.

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Fasterth Fasterth 8 November 2018

Dies Irae Pantheon Countdown Messages

Countdown messages: @TheZackZeal: 


"Brothers and sisters, what if I told you your entire life had been decided by fate? That victors were born for glory; that the defeated live only to serve? You live your life as it had been decided in advance, always reaching the same finale, unable to diverge, no matter what. What if I told you the universe was woven from such a cruel fabric?

I wonder how many among you experienced déjà vu from this oration of mine? In other words, I'm asking how many among you know of me?

Well, if you do not know me, no matter. I am not dready enough a man to torment newcomers.

That said, complete ignorance can bring upon problems. You should investigate the words "Dies Irae Pantheon" to some rudimentary extent.


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Trexalfa29 Trexalfa29 21 February 2015

Current state of affairs

Well, since I am currently reading Dies Irae, I'll be filling up entries for the characters and concepts from the novel from now on. I'm still reading, mind you, so completing all the things I would like the wiki to have about Dies is probably going to take a very long time. I plan to read the other two novels eventually though. 

Anyway, I say this because it seems nobody besides me is editing this, I'll have to get some fans of the series over.

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