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Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen

Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen (ベアトリス・ヴァルトルート・フォン・キルヒアイゼン, Beatorisu Varutoruudo fon Kiruhiaizen), also known by her Demon Name Valkyria (ヴァルキュリア, Varukyuria) was a former member of the Longinus Dreizehn Orden, being Kei Sakurai's predecessor in Seat V of the Black Round Table, now deceased. Despite being dead as of the beginning of Dies Irae's main story, her influence is still felt, mainly thanks to her connection to Kai and Kei Sakurai, as well as to her former commanding officer.


Before Dies Irae[]

Beatrice was born into the family with a long tradition of producing knights, and was educated in the arts of the sword alongside her childhood friend Alfred Der Vogelweide, boasting an impressive skill for her relatively young age even before she joined military, and later LDO. She attended military school and BDM (Bund Deutscher Madel, the female Branch of the Hitlerjugend), eventually graduating with the rank of Warrant Officer and entering the service in Schutzstaffel under the command of then-Lieutenant Eleonore von Wittenburg. The pair were noted to be like a pair of close-knit sisters with polar opposites for personalities, yet working in perfect harmony in every situation they were faced with. Later, Beatrice would go on record and say that those were the fondest memories she had in her long life of service, referring to how uncomplicated her and her commanding officer's relationship was despite the looming threat of war.

The Morgendammerung[]

Everything changed for Beatrice on the night of 24th of December - that night, Eleonore had forced Beatrice to go on a patrol with her despite it being Christmas Eve, citing the recent violent killing of a high-ranking Third Reich officer. At one point Beatrice whined about it, and Eleonore shot it down by pointing out she had no romantic interest she'd spend the night with anyway (an anachronism: in Germany Christmas is a family's holiday, but in Japan it's a lover's holiday), and took her to meet Riza Brenner, Eleonore's long-time acquaintance, whom Beatrice was quick to label as her potential big sister.

Following Riza's information from Lebensborn, the three women tracked down the apartment in which the officer had been killed in, only to come face-to-face with Wilhelm Ehrenburg and Wolfgang Schreiber fighting 'like mad beasts'. The pair of officers jumped into the fight intent on killing the two criminals, with Eleonore quickly sending Beatrice to fight against Wilhelm, correctly judging him to be the lesser of two threats and therefore more suitable to Beatrice's skillset. Despite being in a disadvantaged position power-wise (Anna Schwagerin put her at level five, with Wilhelm being at level seven), Beatrice held off all the attacks and got several hits in, demonstrating her rigorous training with blade and passion for fighting and earning herself a label of 'very fine woman' from Wilhelm, who only reserved that label for women who could go toe to toe with him without fear.

Ultimately, the fight got cut short by Heydrich, who simply pushed Beatrice out of the way before subduing Wilhelm with one punch - that event birthed a long-standing rivalry of a sort between Beatrice and Wilhelm, though it was mostly one-sided as Beatrice never cared much for Wilhelm's issue with their unfinished battle.

Beatrice dies before the events of Dies Irae.

Verfaulender segen[]

Dies Irae[]

Kasumi Route[]

Kei Route[]

Marie Route[]

Rea Route[]

Kajiri Kamui Kagura[]

Beatrice does not appear, but her and Kei's Reincarnation Tenma Morei is a member of the Yatsukahagi.

Powers & Abilties[]

Die Ewigkeit[]


Thrúd Walkure[]

Beatrice's Holy Relic is supposedly the blade of Thrud, daughter of Thor, the god of thunder. The blade has been passed down through Beatrice's family for generations. It has the ability to transform Beatrice's blood into electricity. With it she can use electricity to increase the power of her melee attacks or discharge it as a more ranged attack.


Donner Totentanz - Walküre

Beatrice's Briah

Beatrice's Gudou Briah, based off her desire, “I want to be the light that guides my comrades on the battlefield”. When activated, it turns Beatrice into lighting. This allows her to move at lightning speed and making her intangible to most attacks.

Battle Parameter[]

  • ATK = Attack + Bloodshed
  • DEF = Defense + Durability
  • MAG = Magic + Effective length of skill usage
  • AGI = Agility + Mobility
  • EQP = Synchronization with Ahnenerbe + Immutability of rules[1]
Yetzirah 2 2 3 4 3
Briah 3 3 4 5 4



  1. Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ - Official Illustrated Guide
Longinus Dreizehn Orden
I.Reinhard Heydrich

II.Tubal Cain III.Valeria Trifa IV.Wilhelm Ehrenburg V.Kei Sakurai V.V. Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen VI.Rea Himuro VII.Goetz von Berlichingen VIII.Rusalka Schwagerin IX.Eleonore von Wittenburg X.Rot Spinne XI.Riza Brenner XII.Wolfgang Schreiber XIII.Mercurius XIII.Zarathustra
