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Avesta of Black and White (黒白のアヴェスター, Kokubyaku no Avesta) is a web novel series written by Masada Takashi and illustrated by G Yuusuke.


Under the world of the first Divine Throne, two forces killing each other relentlessly. Black and White, Light and Darkness, Good of Evil. Until the others is destroy, the fighting will never stop. That is an instict called Avesta. Following a wicked warrior Magsarion and his path of remorseless breaking dualsim along with Quinn, who tasked with collecting "miracle".


Avesta vol1

Volume 1; The Wicked Warrior


The prologue began with the suicide of Priestess Quinn and the subsequent birth of Frederica. The POV the shifted to the birth of Quinn in the Star Cluster of Extinction and her confrontation with her "father" Khvarenah.

Wicked Warrior[]

Quinn and her team fought against a Daeva that has regeneration ability. Her team decimated until only Quinna and Samluch were left. Magsarion then appeared to finish off the Daeva. Quinn and others got taken by the villager to celebrate them as heroes, she bonded with a girl name Layley, meanwhile, Magsarion gone missing. Two days later, another Daeva attacked. It is revealed that the villager worshipped one of Khvarenah's inventions as "God". the device, in turn, twisted their prayer. Magsarion then proceeds to slaughter the entire village of Ashavan, including the girl Layley.

The Holy King's Dream[]

The chapter depicted Samluch ceremony to become full-fledge Yazata by Sirius along with the history of the Three Heros (Varhram, Nahid, and Sirius himself) and the eventual fall of the previous Wahman Yast. Quinn later reveals to Samluch the identity of the Seven Archdemons. The two met with Ferdows who is in charge of taking care of frozen Nahid. In Nahid's room, the group saw Magsarion's self-destructive training. Later they came across another Yazata, Zurvan who said that they're on the new mission.

Husk Star[]

Quinn, Smaluch, Ferdows, and Zurvan arrived at the planet Zahhāk, the territory of Kaikhosru, the Archdemon. Magsarion was said to join them later on after his feather returned.

The Man Murdering Demons' Feast[]

Frederica and other Man Murdering Demons arrived at Zahhak.

Avesta vol2

Volume 2: Shameful Sky

The Hero's Festival[]

Shameful Sky[]

Permeating Void[]

Dissappearing into the Sky[]

Avesta vol3

Volume 3: Something Immutable


Awakened Chaos[]

Seen in a Dream[]

Something Unforgettable[]


Avesta vol4

Volume 4: Remorseless Paradise of the Fallen

Interlude: Divine Sword[]

I only love you[]

Wing of Darkness[]

Transmigration of Good and Evil[]

Magsarion departed with Quinn in Singularity Angra Maniyu, where he would duel with the last remaining Archdemon, Nadare.

Remorseless Paradise of the Fallen[]

Countless years after the battle with Nadare, Magsarion had completed his crusade to exterminate all life in the universe. After turning everything into an empty landscape, he was personally taken to the Throne, where he came face to face with The Atman herself and most importantly, his brother, Varhram. The finale battle to decide to the fate of the Throne succession thus began.



The side of the White, the righteous warriror. Although considerably weak indiviualy, their are high in numbers.



The side of the Black. Group of evil demons, their power often surpassing Ashavan.


Seven Archdemons[]



Important Concepts[]

Visual Novel[]

Event Horizon Battlefront Aditya

Avesta of Black and White Paradise Lost Dies Irae Dies Irae: Wolfsrudel Dies Irae: Song to the Witch Dies Irae ~Interview with Kaziklu Bey~ Kajiri Kamui Kagura Dies Irae Pantheon
