Shinza Bansho Wiki

« ——太極——
神咒神威神楽ッ! »

General Information[]

Amaterasu Kajiri Kamui Kagura (天照・神咒神威神楽, Amaterasu・Kajiri Kamui Kagura) is a Taikyoku performed by Rindou Koga, Habaki Sakagami, and others from the Dawn Mandala group. It manifests as a Hegemony-type ability.


The details aren't outright stated.

By invoking and declaring this Taikyoku, the Eastern Expedition Army led by Rindou and four others, also known as the "Hajun Suppression Army", infiltrated the Throne's realm of Sixth Heaven.

It seems to be an ability that allows those who agree with Rindou's ideals to be guided to the place she aims for, regardless of distance, born from her desire “I want to never give birth to kegai” and “I want to live with everyone” after overcoming her Apoptosis fate.

Like the Tenma Fukumetsu, the arrow fired was accompanied by golden light, piercing the boundary between this world and the separate dimension where the Throne exists when unleashed.

Moreover, when Tenma Fukumetsu was used in Mugen Ezo, it transcended the concept of distance, connecting the point of arrow impact to the place one stepped into, producing a similar effect to this Taikyoku. It is thought that the innate ability manifested by Rindou is shaped by her original desire "I want to expand the world".

Triggered by Rindou's golden arrow supported by Habaki, and with Rindou being the only one vocalizing the entire chant amidst the collective recitation, it is apparent this was Rindou's central role.

However, the "Taikyoku" portion involves Habaki and Rindou, the "Amaterasu" part is only Rindou, and the "Kajiri Kamui Kagura" section involves everyone, indicating this is not solely Rindou's ability.

After the battle with Hajun, having given birth to Amaterasu Suwasumeragi Omikami collaborative Taikyoku with Habaki, Rindou lost her Hegemony affinity. As the Transcendence God Izanami-no-Mikoto, she now exists with the desire "to live with everyone."
